Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Research Blog #7: Case

The case I will explore in order to illustrate my argument will be Helen Bland's study on stress in the millennial college students. Her study is found in the article called "Stress Tolerance: New Challenges for Millennial College Students". I have used the article for a literary review, as well as for my visual because I believe it contains significant information to answer my research question. My research question is: Why are college students especially vulnerable to stress? The article discusses a study exploring the factors of college life and coping strategies that are associated with high and low stress levels. The study concluded that there are a multitude of factors in college that make students stressed, and these students do not have proficient coping mechanisms, therefore they have low levels of stress tolerance.
All of this information provides answers as to why college students are so vulnerable to stress, and it also allows argument on whether or not college students are vulnerable for these reasons. Other information that might be useful to know to explore this case would be how different groups of people relate to the findings in this study. For example, I could explore whether men or women experience more stress and what factors and coping strategies the two groups have. I actually found an article that explores a topic like this. The article is called "Effective Lifestyle Habits and Coping Strategies for Stress Tolerance Among College Students", and it makes a point that genders and races are faced and deal with stress differently. I'm sure I can find many other articles like this that will help support my case.

Welle, Paul D., and Helen M. Graf. "Effective Lifestyle Habits And Coping
           Strategies For Stress Tolerance Among College Students."American Journal Of Health    
           Education 42.2 (2011): 96-105. ERIC. Web. 3 Mar. 2014.

Bland, Helen W., et al. "Stress Tolerance: New Challenges For Millennial College Students." College 
           Student Journal 46.2 (2012): 362-375. Academic Search Premier. Web. 11 Mar. 2014.

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